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Single Server license issue

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Hi everyone

I am evaluating Retrospect 7.5 for my exployer. It's looking pretty good, but my main concern at the moment is that things aren't entirely clear from the spec sheets (to me, at least) that I will be able to do all the things I want to do on a Single Server license....


Single server license means you can 'have' (or 'protect'?) two Windows Servers. My problem is with the definition of 'have'. Our setup is that we only have one or two Windows Servers that we'd be interested in using disaster recovery with; also, we have several others Windows Servers that aren't really doing anything very windows server-ish (apart from running Tomcat, which is not windows specific). We would still like to back up files from these 'other' windows servers. Is that possible on a Single Server license? We don't need restore protection or anything fancy on these other servers....


On another note, we currently have the all-addons trial version of retrospect installed. If it were possible turn on and off the various individual trial licenses myself, I could answer my above question myself, by making our trial version be licensed exactly the way it would be when we bought it, and then trying to set up all the stuff and see if it's happy. So is there any way to disable/enable the various licenses in a trial version?


Thanks for reading!


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The Single Server License can "protect" up to 2 host runing Server OS (like Windows NT/2000/2003). If you purchase Single Server, you can backup only one server. To protect 2 server, you must purchase Client add on to do this.


In another hand, if you have Single Server, you can backup other server trough network File share or UNC Path under Script backup Configuration. The problem is that you can't backup system information, like registry, of the remote host.


Abaut Trial, you can contact locar reseller for Single version licenses.



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Hi Gmoreno

Thanks for your answer.

I'd still confused though by the language being used.


You said "The Single Server License can 'protect' up to 2 host runing Server OS (like Windows NT/2000/2003)." - can we define what 'protect' actually means here?


Then you said, "If you purchase Single Server, you can backup only one server." -- so obviously protecting does not mean the same thing as backing up.


And finally, you said "To protect 2 server, you must purchase Client add on to do this." - but I thought you just said that "The Single Server License can 'protect' up to 2 host runing Server OS"? I'm very confused, sorry about this!

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