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OS X Retrospect Server Can't See Windows XP Network Drive on Client


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I am running Retrospect Server on OS X. I have a client installed on my Windows XP machine.


I am trying to back up a Network Drive on my Windows machine which I have mapped to H:\.


The Windows Retrospect client program shows me all of my drives under the 'Access' tab.


But when I access the client from the OS X Retrospect server, I only see my local C:\ and D:\ hard drives.


There must be a way to specify drives other than local hard disks that I want to back up.


I have searched the KB, these forums, the Internet and both the Mac and Windows manuals for Retrospect. The manual shows that the Windows Retrospect Server has lots of way to deal with this. How do I deal with this from the OS X Retrospect Server?



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