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Changing my backup location


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Right now I am using Retrospect Pro 7 to back up my complete 80 G hard drive (30 G of free space) every day to an 80 G Maxtor external drive; of necessity, those are all recycle backups.


I just bought and installed a second external Maxtor drive, this one 500 G--major upgrade! So I would like to transfer my current daily backup to the new drive, changing (of course) the destination and also the backup types in the schedule--clearly they won't all have to be recycle backups. So I have some questions:


1. What would be the best way (step by step, please smile.gif) to edit my current backup (named Complete Backup) so it writes to the new Maxtor drive?


2. How often would it be advisable to run a recylcle backup in the course of a week, given my current use of the C: drive? I'm thinking twice a week, but am open to suggestions.


3. Should the backup be written to the root directory of the new Maxtor, or could I direct it to a folder named Retrospect (just in case I wanted to put some other content on the drive)?


4. Are there other changes I need to make?


I know these are pretty basic questions, but this situation is new to me and I want to be sure I handle it correctly. Thanks for any help!



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