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Trouble Connecting to Hawking NAS

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We have a client that is running Retrospect Small Business Standard version 7.5.370 (Driver Update and Hotfix version on a Windows SBS 2003 SP1 server. We cannot get Retrospect to see our Hawking NAS (version v1.02(06-07-2005)-ext3). The server has no trouble connecting.


When I attempt to create a new backup set, I choose advanced and put in the UNC name. It then asks me for the username and password twice then reverts back to the New Backup Set wizard with no disk selected.


When I look under Volumes, Retrospect does not see the mapped drive. If I attempt to add it through the My Network button, it will see the drive but (after I put in the username and password) give me the following error:


"Error getting volume information, cannot add this volume to the database."


This used to work on a Windows 2000 computer running Retrospect 6.5. We also have another client running the same setup on a Windows 2000 Server running Retrospect 6.5 to Hawking NAS drives.


Did something change in the newest version of Retrospect? Can someone lead me in the right direction?



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