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E-mail notification problem with v7.5.37 on SBS 2003

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I have v7.5.37 of Retrospect installed on a SBS 2003 server and I am getting error -541 messages (Email notification failed: backup client not installed or not running) when I hit the "Send Test E-Mail" button on the preferences page.


I have not installed the backup client on this server as I didn't think that it was necessary especially as I am only wanting to backup content on the server not from any client machines.


I found a page on the knowledge base titled: Email Notification changes with 7.5.285: describing the feature introduced to make Retrospect try using port 587 for authenticated SMTP then fall back to port 25 if closed. Could the be related to the problem that I am seeing or is it something different?


Any help would be appreciated



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