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That's good information, Mac OS version would be helpful. On an Intel Mac, you might need the hacked version of Retrospect here (and read the article carefully, uncheck the ACL option box):

Retrospect hack for ACLs


If you don't have this problem now, you might after you get this problem solved, so it's good to resolve that first.


Additionally, you don't say what version of the Retrospect Driver Update ("RDU") you have. You could either get that information in the Retrospect Logs (Reports > Log) or in the "About Retrospect..." under the Apple Menu. Current version is, available here:

Retrospect Mac updates


Now for your issue. You are correct in that Retrospect will first have to rebuild its catalog of your backup set. Because you don't have a clue what version of Retrospect you were using before, the backup may require some massaging because it might be in an older version. You even might have had Retrospect Express rather than Retrospect if your copy "came with the drive".


When you say "old machine gone" - what type of machine was your "old machine"?


Error 208 is "media content unrecognized". What type of backup was your backup set on your LaCie drive? Can you see the files on that LaCie drive using the Finder? If so, you've probably got a "File Backup". If so, the catalog may be stored in the backup file with the backed up files (but there is a way that they could become separated). See page 22 of the Retrospect user's guide:

Retrospect Users Guide


Finally, there is a tutorial on rebuilding the catalog:

Catalog Rebuild tutorial


Hope this helps.



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It continues to amaze me how many people make the decision to override Retrospect's default preference settings to allow hard drives to be treated as Removable Devices, and then are dismayed when the Catalog file they stored on the same volume as the one they were attempting to protect with Retrospect goes missing with a disk crash.


As a general rule, unless A)you intend or predict that you'll be addiding additional hard drives to your Backup Set or B) you specifically want to maintain the Catalog file on a different volume then the data (to allow, for example, for offline contents searching) then you should use a File Backup Set when backing up to an external hard drive.


- That being said, what are the _exact_ steps you are taking that result in the 208 error?


- What version of the Retrospect RDU is loading with the program?

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Dave & Russ - thanks for any help you can give. I can tell you for certain that I did not deviate from the default settings on the previous version of Retrospect...I wouldn't know what else to choose. My 'old' machine was a iMac 20 G5 running OS X Tiger (as does the new iMac). I'll have to get back to you with the RDU info...my iMac is a home machine and I'm at work. I can see the drive icon (labeled 2-Backup Set) on my desktop...opening it shows three icons...Retrospect Data, Desktop and Retrospect Catalog...the Data file contains 82G, the Catalog 0 even after rebuilding (I can see this via Get Info) and the Desktop is just an empty folder. I can unlock both Retrospect items and both verify as OK. I don't remember that I had the option to store the catalog file on my iMac desktop...if I had, maybe I would have saved it before selling my old machine. The LaCie has 250Gb capacity with only the Retrospect data on it...it's never been used for anyting else. The new iMac has 2Gb RAM and 500Gb HDD. I've tried rebuilding the catalog...the operation stops and the log shows a 208 error message...a Retrospect Catalog icon appears in the backup set volume, but it's empty.

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Could you please post exactly what you do and select to rebuild the catalog? Follow the tutorial link I provided above as a guide. And provide RDU info, please.


I'm wondering if there might not have been another disk or partition on your old (now gone) machine that was involved. The name of the drive icon (2-Backup Set) seems to suggest that there may be a missing member (1-Backup Set) that has the beginning of the backup. Could that be possible?



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Thanks again. I will get on my home machine this evening, follow the tutorial and post the results with all the info. You're right, 2-Backup Set exists because I had trouble backing up to 1-Backup Set a few weeks ago in preparation for selling my G5 machine. There is no sign of 1-Backup Set on the LaCie, so my assumption was that Retrospect deleted it in the process of creating 2-Backup Set. Again, 1-Backup Set and 2-Backup Set have only existed on the external LaCie harddrive...to my knowledge, no backup data was stored on the old iMac...I was never aware that there was such a thing as a catalog file, so that very well may be been stored on the G5 iMac as described in the Retrospect documentation.

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> Could you please post exactly what you do and select to rebuild the catalog?


Just a hint; when rebuilding a Removable Backup Set catalog from media, do _not_ choose to store the newly rebuilt file on the first media member.


And to be clear, out of the box, with its default preferences, Retrospect is unable/unwilling to rename a hard drive volume (such as "1-Backup Set" or "2-Backup Set") nor will it create a Retrospect Data file. The _only_ way for Retrospect to treat hard drives as Removable Devices is to select that option in Special->Preferences->Media Handling (you'll see that Media Handling is listed in bold, indicating that its settings have been changed from default).


> my assumption was that Retrospect deleted it in the process of creating 2-Backup Set.


As with most computer programs, Retrospect will do what you tell it to do.

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I don't think I ever set the preferences to treat my external HDD as a removable disk...I had no reason to. I can only guess that not copying the catalog file from my old iMac to my new one, something I did when creating 2-Backup Set and/or changing machines (G5 to Intel) is causing my 208 problem.

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Retrospect Data:

Retrospect Backup version 6.1.126

Driver Access Version 1.0.107

Driver Update Version: (blank)

Preferences: use default

iMac Data:

model: iMac6.1

OS: OS X 10.4.7


Followed the repair catalog function with the following actions/results:

1. Used Retrospect Directory

2. Chose Tools/Repair

3. Chose from File Backup Set

4. Chose Rebuild Anyway

5. Message: rebuild execution incomplete

6. Error log: 208 media unrecognized


Given that there's no driver update version, I thinking I need to download

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From the information you've provided (notably the name of the volume and the presence of a file named Retrospect Data) it seems apparent that you are dealing with a Removable Backup Set.


Given this, it seems counterproductive to attempt to rebuild a different Type of Backup Set (step 3).


(hint; when providing step-by-steps, it's generally a good idea to include any dialogs that might cause you to make a selections such as "Rebuild Anyway")


Try changing step 3 to Removable. Make sure you choose a location to save your new Catalog that's not on the external drive.


The report that your volume is named 2-Backup Set hints that something went wrong during your backups, but the fact that your data file is 82 Gb holds promise that your data is intact.

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Driver Update Version: (blank)


May I suggest that you install the current RDU. I doubt that its absence is the source of these problems, though.


Link is here for RDU (the current version):

RDU 6.1.109 update

The RDU file (inside the .dmg disk image; you will see it when the disk image is mounted) goes in the same folder as the Retrospect application. See the Read Me file.


I agree with Dave:


... it seems apparent that you are dealing with a Removable Backup Set. Given this, it seems counterproductive to attempt to rebuild a different Type of Backup Set (step 3).



Your wrong choice in your step 3 (File Backup Set rather than Removable) is the source of your error 208 - Retrospect can't comprehend how the Retrospect Data file could be a File Backup Set, because it isn't.



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glad to know. Personally, I think that a more useful error message could have been provided than "error 208 - media unrecognized".


Just to head off your next post, if the prior (unknown version) copy of Retrospect was prior to Retrospect 6.0, then be aware that the present version can read that old backup set but not append to it. Here's from the Read Me:

Retrospect 6.1 Read Me



Older Backup Sets: Starting with Retrospect 6.0, the format that Retrospect uses for backup sets' catalog files was changed to support some new features. Users upgrading from a version of Retrospect earlier than 6.0 will need to create new backup sets in order to back up data. The new backup sets will not be recognized with previous versions of Retrospect. Older backup sets will be treated as read-only. While users will not be able to append to pre-existing backup sets, they will be able to restore data from them, and will be able to recreate the older backup sets' catalog files from their media if necessary.




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Just as a constructive suggestion, you might want to re-read this thread from the beginning. Look at your original post and try to imagine how anyone could have provided you any help from that information.


The problem with trying to help people in these forums is that they often insist that they have not done what the facts lead one to believe they have done, and it's very difficult to get people to post enough details to show them what they are doing wrong. It was only after repeated requests by us that you provided sufficient details, and specific details as to exactly what you were doing at each step, that we were able to identify exactly what you were doing wrong now and what you had done wrong in the past.


I know that you weren't trying to mislead us, but I hope this gives you an insight into why we keep insisting the same things when people ask for support in these forums. We aren't trying to be jerks; we are trying to help you. We don't get paid for this help, and we could be doing other things.


The other point is that we are users just like you are. A first step is often to get people up to date in configuration so that we know that they are running on a configuration that should work, and that we have seen work in our own experience, so we can move on from there and attack the problem.


Glad your problem is solved.



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  • 2 months later...


Had the same trouble as DickG....as theorized in this thread I'd reformatted the drive that I was trying to Restore TO and hence lost the Retrospect Disk Catalog (ok, so there's a hole in my 'backup strategy'...gotta fix that!). As with DickG's situation, the backup was on an external HD. Since I had to reinstall Retrospect software to access the data the preferences were in their default settings as well. THAT'S were the trouble seemed to be: Retrospect is not set to recognize external HD's as Removable Media by default. Once I triggered that option in the Retro Prefs and triggered a Catalog Rebuild all went off without a hitch! Yippeeee! Thanks for this thread - it showed the way!




Retro 6.1

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