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Backup Set with no Snapshots...what do I do?


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I am just trying to restore a file from a backup set and when I try to do this I get a message that says:


"no file system snapshots were found in Media Centre"


Media centre is the name of this particular backup set.


So firstly why did this come about do you think?

but most importantly, what do I do to correct it and get my files restored?

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You can restore without snapshots by going to "Restore" > "Find Files" and leaving the search criteria blank to see all files that have been backed up.


2 possible reasons for why no snapshot was taken:


1.) You unchecked the "Save source snapshots for restore" box in your backup options.

2.) The snapshot is saved towards the end of the backup process after all the files have been copied and your backup ended pre-maturely.


Hope that helps.

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Thanks I'll try that and post the outcome for future reference.




Please can someone clarify these questions?


As I perform future progressive backups into this back up set, will the 'old files' not be seen since there is no snapshot, and will I therefore be fooled into not knowing that there is this 'un-snapshotted' backup sat back at the beginning of the backup set?


Also, if I do another progressive backup into this set, will Retrospect be unable to see what is in this earlier snapshot and therefore not be able to tell what files to backup and what files not to backup so that I will get another full backup the next time around?


Finally, I'm not sure what the difference in the terms 'Snapshot' and 'Catalogue'



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