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Insufficent Permissions -1017


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Thanks in advance for your help. I am sure it is a simple setting.

I am using v7.5.324 on one machine. I have set up the client on a second machine. Both are running XP sp2. I have set the services so that they login using administrator on both machines. I have disabled the windows firewalls on both machines. I can browse the drives and folders on both machines. The remote machine is connected via the client. When I run a backup, either scheduled or immediate, I get an insufficient permission error - even on the local machine. I am backup to a USB connected hard drive (no errors there).


One more thing. This is the trial I am running. I am testing Retrospect before I purchase it for two clients. I have heard so many good things about this software, but I am not having much luck so far. frown.gif

Thanks again


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Thanks for your reply.

- It happens immediately. As soon as the backup starts on a volume, the events show the error. The app continues to do something after the error though.

- I don't know how to tell if the error is for specific files. I suspect it probably is.

- It happens with both automated and manual.

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I hate to say this, but the issue is most likely with the volume shadow copy service.


Check the event viewer (Control Panel -> Admin. Tools) under the application section. If you see errors regarding the volume shadow copy service, that's where the problem lies.


This may be a case of another program holding on to VSS such as vnti-virus or anti-spyware.

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I have the same problem. The Event Viewer error is: "Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error creating the Shadow Copy Provider COM class with CLSID {65ee1dba-8ff4-4a58-ac1c-3470ee2f376a} [0x8007041d]."


That CLSID is the: VSSoftwareProvider Class.


Now how do we find out what program might be "holding on to VSS?"

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