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6.1 Backing up OSX server, but not Mac OS 9 server

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I am in a situation where, The only cumputer I have available

to back up my OS 9 server is a OSX 10.3.9 G4, running Retrospect 6.1.

When I run the initial back-up it flies through it like there aren't any

files on the server. When I try it on my Tiger server it backs it up.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

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When I run the initial back-up it flies through it like there aren't any

files on the server. When I try it on my Tiger server it backs it up.


It's a bit unclear here from the ambiguous pronouns just what is happening. And your problem statement is inconsistent.


The only cumputer I have available to back up my OS 9 server is a OSX 10.3.9 G4, running Retrospect 6.1.


This sounds like you have two computers, one running OS 9 and another running Panther (Mac OS 10.3.x), with Retrospect 6.1 running on the Panther computer. Are you saying that you have your OS 9 server running Retrospect client (version?), and Retrospect 6.1, running on your Panther computer, scans the OS 9 computer's files but doesn't back up any files on the OS 9 computer?


When I try it on my Tiger server it backs it up.


Now you have introduced a third computer, running Tiger (Mac OS 10.4.x). Is the Tiger computer running Retrospect client (version?) or running Retrospect 6.1? Which computer is running Retrospect trying to back up the Tiger computer? Or are you saying that, running Retrospect 6.1 on the Tiger computer, you are able to back up the OS 9 computer running Retrospect client?


And what version of Retrospect do you have? See the chart here for the Retrospect version (Retrospect Server) that is required to back up another server:

Retrospect Mac product comparison chart


It may just be that you aren't meeting license requirements to back up the other servers. If that's not it, please clarify the problem statement so that my aging brain can comprehend it.



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I'm sorry my original statement was confusing.

This is what I need to do:


I've never used Retrospect in my life.

I have a OS9 File server. That I need to do Daily backups on.

I have a G4 OSX 10.3.9 computer with a 128 GB hard drive

which is large enough to hold the file server back up.

I can not get Retrospect 6.1 which is on the OSX machine,

to back up the files on the OS9 File server.

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Thanks. Again:


(1) Where does the Tiger server come into the mix?

(2) Please explain what the successful configuration was with the Tiger server.

(3) Is the OS 9 computer running the Retrospect client? What version?

(4) Is the OS 9 computer running ASIP ? Or just Mac OS 9?

(5) What version of Retrospect do you have? (Retrospect Desktop, Retrospect Workgroup, or Retrospect Server)

(6) How are you doing the backup? Are you mounting the OS 9 disk on the 10.3.9 Retrospect computer, or are you connecting to a Retrospect client on the OS 9 computer from Retrospect 6.1 on the 10.3.9 computer?

(7) How does #6 differ from #2 that was successful with your Tiger server?



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I'm sorry. I'm not sure how to answer all of your questions.

Is it possible for you to just tell me what I need to do?

The OS9 Server needs to be backed up asap.

I can't figure out how to do it.

I have a 10.3.9 machine that has enough space to do it.

I have a Retrospect 6.1 Desktop demo that I download yesterday.

I'm sorry and thank you for your patients.


Edit: Do I have to install Retrospect Classic Client onto the OS9 server?

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I'm sorry. I'm not sure how to answer all of your questions.


Then I may not be able to help you. The answer depends on your particular configuration, and I can't figure out your configuration from your incomplete details.


Is it possible for you to just tell me what I need to do?


Not without details. The big question is that you may be using the term "Server" in a different sense than Apple does. Without knowing what OS flavors (Server? ASIP? non-server?) it's not possible to answer your question. Retrospect is very configurable, but its configuration depends on your configuration and your needs. You haven't provided enough details. And, even though you may think that Retrospect is working on your Tiger Server (??? still don't know the details here), it may not be if that "Server" is running Mac OS X Server because you have Retrospect "Desktop" (and the demo version), not Retrospect Workgroup or Retrospect Server.


Again, see the product comparison chart:

Retrospect product comparison chart



Edit: Do I have to install Retrospect Classic Client onto the OS9 server?


Yes. That's how Retrospect does backup of other computers. Retrospect, on one computer, chats with the client on other computers, gets a list of files, asks for file data to back up, etc. It might not be possible to do what you want if the OS 9 computer is an ASIP server. Because you can't or won't provide that information, I can't help you on this. Again, see the product comparison chart.


I suggest that you read Chapter 6 of the Retrospect Users Guide, which discusses backing up networked computers. That document is here:

Retrospect Users Guide


Good luck.



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This is possibly the most frustrating conversation on trying to solve

a problem in my entire life. Thank you for trying to help, I do appreciate it.

I think its very clear I have no clue what I am doing. If you have no suggestions

on a new course of action. I think I'll find another alternative.........


Edit, I managed to finally figure it out. All I needed was to install the client on the 9 server.

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