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Intel Mac Backup Problem (-43)

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Recognizes client. Counts Files. When it goes to do the backup get Execution Incomplete Error -43 (file Folder not found). Have Retropect 6.1.130 doing backup and 6.1.126 as Restrospect Client. Ran First Aid. No problems. Reinstalled client.

First done w/o fixed IP. Installed fixed IP. Only Intel machine we have on line. Tried backing up all files. Same error message. No crazy characters in folder name.

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No crazy characters in folder name.


I bet there is, somewhere in the path to the files. Others have reported a similar bug. Whose bug it is, well, that's a question that produces a lot of finger pointing. I'd turn in a bug report if I were you.


It's not an issue with whether the client is located by fixed IP or by name.


My suggestion would be to try to narrow down the region of interest by defining subvolumes, locate the problem file or folder. It may even be a hidden file. It will take a long time to find. Good luck.



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Hello Russ:


We just discover that if I add an external drive to the machine I can back it up. If we need to make the investment in a drive we will.


We tried all different names, etc. Been working on this for one week.


Thanks for your suggestion.



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