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Duplicate results in error reports

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I'm new to Retrospect so bear with me. We have 7.5, brand new, just installed on a Win 2003 server. I am looking to use the Duplicate function to move data off of our NAS(s) onto a local drive (mirroring) so that backups do not effect the network or access to the NAS that much. When Duplicate runs it gives errors on just about every file compare. The files seem to be clean though (but who can tell). Can anyone make a suggestion on why this would occur? Is it a time stamp issue, file access issue? The log file does not say what the failure was just that it didn't compare.


Also, I am using the Duplicate function because I cannot figure out how to run a script prior to the backup (where I would run another tool I know works better SyncToy etc.). Any help there would be appreciated too.


Have a great day.



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