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Repair only one out of many archive tapes

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Again... Can anyone please help me find concrete information on repairing ONE of many archive tapes. We're using Retrospect 4.2 on Mac OS 9.0. We are using 20GB Travan tapes as backup media. One of our recent archive tapes seems corrupt as it just runs and runs without progress in the progress window and no files are restored. It would be extremely time prohibitive to restore the entire catalog or file backup set. If this is my only option, please tell me. Thanks.



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It would be extremely time prohibitive to restore the entire catalog or file backup set.


I think you are confusing catalog repair with a bad member of a backup set. Your catalog is on your disk, wherever you are saving your catalogs.


If, in fact, this tape member is bad, you can forget it by, when Retrospect asks for you to insert it, saying that this member is missing. Retrospect will then try to do the best it can with what is left. If the data you need is on that tape, you are SOL.


I'd try doing a cleaning cycle of your tape drive before forgetting this member. If you forget the member and then decide that, by some miracle, the tape can be made readable, that is the situation where you would rebuild the catalog to add back the information.



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