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Repair Catalog – The Backup Set data file name is invalid


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My laptop hard drive just melted down and I am having problems recovering my lost data – when I try to repair the catalog, I get the follow error “The Backup Set data file name is invalid, cannot recatalog the set using these files”, but I haven’t been able to find any references to the reason for this problem or the solution to it. Can anyone point me to a solution?


I am using Retrospect Express version 7.5.328 with driver update and hot fix version The backup set files are named “aa000000.rdb” through “aa000014.rdb”.


I was able to successfully rebuild a catalog file before when I had to reinstall my operating system (and forgot to save the catalog file), but this time it’s not working. The main differences are:


1) I created this backup set locally on my laptop and then copied the backup set to my network drive.

2) I am trying to rebuild the catalog file on a different computer (I haven’t yet repaired my laptop).


The way I am trying to rebuild the catalog file is:


1) Repair Catalog

2) Recreate from Disks

3) I’ve tried selecting “All disks” and “Last Disk”, neither work

4) I’ve tried selecting the folder that is above the Retrospect folder and I’ve tried selecting the Retrospect folder, neither work

5) Selected “Backup Set A” (the only backup set)

6) Entered my encryption password

7) Selected a folder to save the catalog file in

8) I get the error “The Backup Set data file name is invalid, cannot recatalog the set using these files”


Any help would be much appreciated? Does anyone know how I can submit this problem directly to EMC Insignia?


Thank you

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have had almost the same problem, and would really appreciate any help as well. The only difference is that my backup set files are not complete, the first 39 of a total 179 are missing.


Does anyone know a good solution or a place to find one?


Thank you VERY much for your help!

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