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can't read security information, error -1101 (file/directory not found)


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can't read security information, error -1101 (file/directory not found) mad.gif


didn't compare mad.gif


Hi All,

I have been getting these errors on the nightly backup reports.

Let me try to go into as much detail as I can.



Retrospect Server version: 7.5.324

Hotfix update:



Dell PowerEdge 1800 running Windows2000 Server with SP4.

We use this server as our File Server.

Attached to the PowerEdge we have two Dell Powervault 220s.

They are attached to a dual channel Dell PERC 4/DC SCSI Ultra320 card.

One PowerVault is 400GB and the other is 700GB in size.

We also have an Exabyte VXA-2 Packet Loader 1X10 1U, with an upgraded VXA-320 Tape Drive.

This is attached to an Adaptec 29160 Ultra160 SCSI card.

There are also two generic FW800 drives.

These are attached to a Pyro 1394b PCI FW controller.


Backup Strategy:

Monday through Friday, retrospect is set to duplicate each Dell raid to an external FW drive.

Monday through Thursday, retrospect is set to perform a normal backup of both Dell raids to tape.

Every Friday, retrospect is set to perform a recycle backup to a fresh set of tapes.

The duplicates occur first each night, from 8pm-10pm.

At 10pm, retrospect does it backup to tape, whether normal or recycle.



These problems have appeared at different intervals.

1. Every 700GB Dell Raid duplicate shows:

can't read security information, error -1101 (file/directory not found)

The number of errors varies from night to night. The files that cause the error are mostly consistent, but do change from week to week. I try to minimize the number of errors by deleting files that appear and then copying them back from another source or recreating the files. But, since the files that cause this error to appear are changing from week to week, its a futile game. I have verified that the files are actually not missing as the error states. Some of the files that appear can only be deleted by their creator, and I cannot delete them off the server locally. Some of the files don't even allow you to rename them. Some of the simply have screwed up naming conventions, and renaming them properly takes care of the error. The point is that this error keeps appearing on the backup log. The files that cause the error change from week to week. What does this error truly mean? What are causes of this error? What can I do to try and minimize the error?




File "F:\WORK_IN_PROGRESS\TSXX\TSX-10XXX_5200B_FS_Upd\Supporting Materials\Originals\RE- Doc#Request (TSP-10xxxx)?": can't read security information, error -1101 (file/directory not found)


File "F:\WORK_IN_PROGRESS\TSXX\TSP-1XXX41_USBSPYDER08 _FS\Supporting Materials\Originals\RE- Doc # Request (TSP-10xxxx)?": can't read security information, error -1101 (file/directory not found)



2. As of late, the tape backup keep stating that files ( didn't compare ).

I know that no one was logged into the server at that time, as I have been here watching the sessions on the server.

The same files have appeared in the log for the past two weeks. I also don't have any processes running on the server at that time except for the retrospect backups. The only solution seems to be to delete the offending files, and recreate them from another source or location. I have gone as far as requesting that my end users turn off their computers to make sure they don't have an active connection to the server.

What does this error truly mean? What are causes of this error? What can I do to try and minimize the error?




File "G:\STAFF\user_xxxx\WEEKLY REVIEWS 2006\REVIEWED WEEK OF 9_25\IDENTITY WEBSITE\Jpegs\new jpgs\pg_11_b.jpg": didn't compare


File "G:\STAFF\user_xxxx\Co-Branding\Co-branding\Cobrand Archive\PosterMarathon.jpg": didn't compare



Things I have tried:

1. Have all updates, software, bios, and firmware on all devices and server.

2. Run CHKDSK /r on the external FW drives on a weekly bases.

3. Run Anti-Virus scans every morning M-F.

4. Ran a consistency check on the Dell Raids just a week ago.

( CHKDSK for Dell Raids )

5. Have turned on Background Patrol Read for the Dell raids.

( Hardware level check of Dell Raids )

6. Defrag the external FW drives on a weekly bases.

7. Have set the retrospect processes to run with local admin name/pass from the Win2000 services applet.

8. Have set the retrospect preferences to run with local admin name/pass.

9. The Dell Open Manage Server Administration software does not give any indication that any of the HD's are failing.

10. I clean the Exabyte tape drive on a weekly bases, as well as run hardware and software diagnostics.

11. The Exabyte tape drive was just replaced 3 months ago, the Dell Server was completely rebuilt at that time as well.

12. The backup tapes are X23 and less then 6 months old.


Can ANYONE, give me some indication on what may cause these errors with retrospect?


BTW: The only common factor that I can find is that most of these files are placed on the raid drives by Mac OS X 10.4 users. I have setup retrospect to ignore .DS_Store and ._ResourceForks. But, this week a lot of the (did not compare) errors were generated by files created by a Windows XP SP2 user.


Thanks to anyone who responds. grin.gif

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