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RAID 5 stripe element size recommendation


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I'm in the process of setting up the latest version of Retrospect Server on a fast server using Windows Server 2003 SP1, using a Dell MD1000 RAID array in RAID 5 mode as the backup medium. Wondering if folks have a recommendation for the stripe element size that would be the best performance for Retrospect.

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Not getting an answer in this forum, called EMC support and, after 35 min. on hold, got an answer "I have no idea. Nobody has ever asked."


The default Dell MD1000 size is 64k, the default Windows 2003 server size is 128k. The standard size for Retrospect backup files is 600mb, so presuming it would want to write to larger block sizes for maximum efficiency.


I may go with 128k or double that to 256k and see what happens.

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