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pitond eating 99%+ of CPU on Core2Duo

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I have Retrospect Client 6.1.130 on my MB Pro 2.33/2G/120G. After a backup is run, Activity Monitor shows the pitind process taking 99%+ of cpu cycles. I kill the process, and CPU usage goes back to normal, of course I then need to go back to Retrospect Client and turn it back "on" if I want the backup to run again.


I'm using OS X 10.4.8..


Any ideas? I searched the forum and didn't see a similar item, although my search on the words... pitond core2duo mac excess cpu.. returned more than 1,000 results, none of which seemed to fit my circumstance.


Any help would be appreciated.

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although my search on the words... pitond core2duo mac excess cpu.. returned more than 1,000 results, none of which seemed to fit my circumstance.


Boy, you must be a fast reader.

I suspect that you needed instead to search on

+pitond +core2duo +mac +excess +cpu

(so that all of the words were required; your stated search will find posts with ANY of the words - click on the "Advanced search tips" link on the search page to see the quirky usage). A search on that sequence of keywords, with the "+" prefix for the past couple of years, turns up only this post, not over 1000 results.


There's an experimental Google search engine for the forums, too. See:

Google Search the forum


Pretty cool. Sorry I don't know the solution to your issue.



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This behavior has occured on a CoreDuo MBP three times so far. This condition is generally diagnosed by sluggish performance and very hot operating temperature when resuming use of the laptop. No way to tell how long it had been in that state. Backups take place in between so this is not a consistent pattern.


Very discouraging.


Latest OS rev, 2GB MBP CoreDuo

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This condition is generally diagnosed by sluggish performance and very hot operating temperature when resuming use of the laptop



I'd suggest a better diagnostic tool would be Activity Monitor, using its floating cpu window and/or its list or active processes.


Most telling would be to learn the link between how the Retrospect application's backup behaved and how the pitond process behaves. For example, does the issue arise only after unsuccessful backups? Only after successful backups? That sort of information would be valuable.



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Activity Monitor was indeed the tool I was using to determine there was a problem.


Well, very unscientifically it seems Dave may have hit on the answer. I just checked the logs and noticed that there had been a volume that Retro was unable to find on the remote machine (my MBP). I cleaned that up, and alas, pitond seems to be behaving. So perhaps it's related to unsuccessful backups only? I'll post back after a few more backups.


Not quite ready to declare victory yet, but a big "THANK YOU DAVE" goes out to Dave!



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