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Use scripts and filters on another Mac

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How about a way to get a script from one installation of Retrospect to another installation?


Unfortunately, there is no way to export a single script and import it into another installation.


You can copy the entire Retro.Config file to the second machine, which will make all scripts and lists from the first installation available, at the cost of losing scripts and lists already in the second installation. This might, however, be the option of choice if the second installation has not been extensively customized.

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You can copy the entire Retro.Config file to the second machine, which will make all scripts and lists from the first installation available, at the cost of losing scripts and lists already in the second installation.



I tried that. Unfortunately, I was not able to change the license code from the first installation to the code for the second installation - the software does not want to make itself into a non-registered installation, and it also does not want to accept a second license code.


I ended up just remaking the scripts by hand.

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