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E is not accessible. Incorrect Function


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I have one CD Rewrite drive and one ordinary CD ROM Drive, labelled "E" and "F" respectively. I am running Windows XP Home.


After backing up my system drive © to my CD-RW drive which is a Teac CD-524E and is recognised as a backup device in Retrospect 6.00, when I try to view the contents of this backup set which consists of two disks, I get the above message "E is not accessible. Incorrect function"


When I transfer any one of the two disks to my CD ROM drive (F) I get the message "Please insert a disk in Drive F." When I open "My Computer" and click on the properties of either drive with one of these disks in the respective drive the disk is showing as being empty, and having no bytes. In other words it is as though the disks are totally empty or there is no disk in the drive drawer.


I must emphasise that my E drive is functionally normally in every other respect. It can burn disks in Nero, and play CDs. It shows the contents of all disks apart from these backups.


Retrospect goes through all the motions of backing up to disk and showing the backup set in Configure "Backup Sets" "Properties" In fact it took 1 1/2 hours to do the initial backup.


My main concern though is that when I try to do a Disaster Recovery, my "E" drive is not available to begin the restore process, and when I click on "Choices" the "E" drive is seen, but when I click on it to get the restore process started I then get the message "E IS NOT ACCESSIBLE. INCORRECT FUNCTION"which means in effect that I do not have access to the backup set.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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