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Continue Script with Next Blank Disc

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I am using Retrospect v6.1.126. I had a script that started to run last night, then stopped with an error 206. In the past, when I have encountered error 206, it means that the disc being used (DVD-RW) is not worthy. This is my experience anyway, others may disagree or have a better explanation of the error. What caught my attention though was that I had another blank disc (DVD-RW) in a 2nd drive ready to go. Instead of Retrospect v6.1 continuing with the backup operation on the blank disc (DVD-RW), it simply stopped when it encountered an error 206 with the first disc. Is this expected behavior? I was hoping if such an error occurred that it would continue with the script using the next blank disc if one was available at the time of the error (which it was in this case).


Thanks for reading!

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Any differnce between your two DVD drives? Do they have same model? Are they all supported by Retrospect?


For the error 206, if you are using an unsupported optical drive and you custom configured a driver, try to reconfigure the drive again using a different brand/type of media (If DVD-R fails, try DVD+R if the drive supports it). If the problem persists after configuring it with different media, you will need to use a supported drive.

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