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"Backup limit is 2G" - What am I doing wrong?

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I'm on a MAC, running system 10.3.9, running Retrospect Version 6.1 with the new 6.1 drivers, backing up my iMAC's internal 75 gig drive to a new LaCie 250 gig Firewire drive. Whether I do a script or an immediate backup, if I do my own custom script or use the 'Easy Script' helper, the software scans my 418004 files and 71.3 gigs, then dumps out with a notation in the log of: "Can't add that much data to backup set. The limit is 2.0 G."


Clearly the program backs up more than 2G at one time. The destination firewire drive is empty, save for the catalog and set placed on it. I've chosen "file" in the script setup, in accordance with the supplied tutorial.


Please tell me what I'm doing wrong as I've redone this routine six times now and, let me tell you, it takes more than a little time to scan 71.3G.

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I'll now answer my own question, in case anyone else comes across the same issue.


I realized - albeit at 4am after too many hours with the answer right in front of me - that LaCie ships their drives formatted for PC's. Retrospect requires the destination drive to be formatted for MAC OS Extended which was why everything would scan correctly, then dump out when it came to writing the backup on the destination drive.


A quick trip to Apple's Disc Utility, fomatting the destination LaCie Firewire drive with MAC OS Extended, and - voila! - Retrospect did the scan of my 418000 files and 71.3 gigs, then began writing to the destination drive, like it's supposed to.


'Hope that helps someone else cut a few hours off of finding their solution to this same problem.


Happy Holidays ....

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