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Execution errors

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This is my first post; hope I'm obeying all the rules.


I'm using Retrospect 6.1.126, but this problem has been present on previous versions.


My backup procedure is to close all applications and perform a Premissions Repair before backing up on my Mac PB G4, running OS 10.4.8.


I usually get one or two Execution Errors, sometimes none.


My question is, how important are these errors? Will they prevent an accurate Restore? (Thankfully, I've never had to Restore, but you never know.)


Thanks for any advice,


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I usually get one or two Execution Errors, sometimes none.


My question is, how important are these errors? Will they prevent an accurate Restore?


What are the errors? Hard to tell if you don't provide that information. Post the relevant portion from your Retrospect log and we'll try to help.



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Thanks, Russ.


Here is the full statement of the recent error message.


- 11/29/2006 10:25:22 AM: Copying Macintosh HD…

11/29/2006 10:34:56 AM: Comparing Macintosh HD…

File “windowserver.log”: different data size (set: 34,924, vol: 35,086), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/log/windowserver.log”.

File “ntp.drift”: different creation date/time (set: 11/28/2006 4:21:48 PM, vol: 11/29/2006 10:31:01 AM), path: “Macintosh HD/private/var/run/ntp.drift”.

11/29/2006 10:38:47 AM: 2 execution errors.

Completed: 3826 files, 2.1 GB

Performance: 335.3 MB/minute (240.1 copy, 555.2 compare)

Duration: 00:13:25 (00:00:40 idle/loading/preparing)


Is there a "rule" that would provide guidance on future errors?


Thanks again,


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That particular error message is innocuous. Stuff was being logged while the the backup/verify was going. For a discussion, see this thread (about making a backup that can be booted if you restore, which is your real concern):

Is a Duplicate an exact duplicate?

and this thread (regarding error messages, which includes the above link), which should answer your questions, if you read all of the thread:

New user: 6 execution errors


Hope this helps,



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