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Hey All -


I've been using Retrospect for a few years now, without incidents, but that changed around a month ago. The only things that might have changed since the problems are a possible OS upgrade and the addition of a DVD burner via firewire. Currently, I'll be running Retrospect, and somewhere along the backup it will eventually crash and give me message that I have to power down my Mac (The faded black screen).


Here's the particulars of my environment:


- Retrospect 5.0.238

- OS X 10.4.8

- Power Mac G5

- VXA-1 tape drive firewire

- Backing up my G5 and two others via network


If I need to supply additional information, please let me know. I'm not an IT person, so sometimes I might not be giving all the information that I should.


Thanks for any help/suggestions. (I thought an Retrospect upgrade might be the fix, but I wanted to wait to see what the forum thinks. I searched the threads, but haven't found a case like this yet.)




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The only things that might have changed since the problems are a possible OS upgrade and the addition of a DVD burner via firewire.



The important question is what was changed _before_ the problems, or at the same time.


Kernel panics are generally hardware (or hardware driver) related. Retrospect alone is not likely to cause such a crash.


- If you're using the same FW tape drive as before, try disconnecting anything else on the FW chain, and anything other then keyboard/mouse on USB chain.


- Have you upgraded memory on the G5?

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