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Cannot restore system state


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I purchased Retrospect for the warm fuzzy feeling of safety. Now I am unable to restore my system state. That's the main reason I have this. I back up regularly and do all the right things so that worse case scenario, I use my trusty backup application. And it's failed me! The ironic part is that I have to restore to an earlier time because Retrospect won't complete a backup properly due to permission errors. My resolution to get Retrospect backing up was to restore the system state to the point where the backup completed without errors. I am using that point to restore, and it says I can't restore. How can I not restore to a point that was created by Retrospect? If it were an image, it would just lay down and work. I seem to be chasing my tail. Any hints?



+ Retrospect version 7.0.326

Launched at 11/27/2006 10:49 PM

+ Retrospect Update, version


+ Executing Restore from Backup at 11/27/2006 10:54 PM

To volume Local Disk (C:)...


- 11/27/2006 10:54:14 PM: Restoring from 20061122

File "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLPTPROFESSIONALDB\LOG\ERRORLOG": appears incomplete

The system state could not be restored.

11/27/2006 10:56:40 PM: 2 execution errors

Completed: 207 files, 481.0 MB

Performance: 215.3 MB/minute

Duration: 00:02:25 (00:00:10 idle/loading/preparing)

Exit at 11/27/2006 10:58 PM

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