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I have a Maxtor II 250 gb drive using Retrospect Version 1.1

Operating System is XP pro SP2


After backups I get a message that the last 7 backups have failed and I'm invited to "Click here to make changes" When I click on the 'link' the text box just disappears and no new window opens.


The log reads as follows:


20/11/2006 4:00:13 AM: Copying S3A2183D001 (C:)

20/11/2006 4:18:34 AM: Snapshot stored, 120.0 MB

20/11/2006 4:19:03 AM: Comparing S3A2183D001 (C:)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\Golden Hole\Golden Hole\aerial2.jpg": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\My Pictures\2006_08_04\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\My Pictures\2006_08_04\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\galleries\gallery_images\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\galleries\gallery_images\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\galleries\gallery_images\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\galleries\gallery_images\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

20/11/2006 4:22:38 AM: 11 execution errors

Completed: 1123 files, 1.6 GB

Performance: 426.4 MB/minute (407.2 copy, 449.5 compare)

Duration: 00:22:25 (00:14:57 idle/loading/preparing)


Any suggestions on what might be causing this please?




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