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Lite-On DVD-RW writing problems

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I have a PowerMac G4 running OS X Server 10.3.9, which has been backing up beautifully to an internal DVD-RW drive for over a year. It started to fail - lost connection to media. I replaced the internal DVD-RW drive with a Lite-On SHM-165P6S DVD-RW - same problem, yet Toast 7 works fine. I have updated to Retrospect 6.1.126, and reconfigured the drive using the configure tool - no improvement. Disk Utility says there are no problems with the main server hard drive, and it has 4Gb of disk space free.


I'm outta ideas! Can anyone else help?





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I have a PowerMac G4 running OS X Server 10.3.9, which has been backing up beautifully to an internal DVD-RW drive for over a year. It started to fail - lost connection to media.


It sounds like you're saying you got a 205 error; is that so? Were there any other error messages?


The "it" in "it started to fail" might indeed be the drive, but it might also be the media or the ATA interface. Are you using quality blanks? Have you tried other brands?



I have updated to Retrospect 6.1.126, and reconfigured the drive using the configure tool - no improvement.


Do you mean that you were successfully able to configure the drive using the Custom Configuration option, but that you continue to get the same error messages in Retrospect?

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You're right - the error was code 205 - lost contact with media. No other messages in any way at any time.


Tried high quality branded media of three different types. I take your point that it might be the ATAinterface, but it writes absolutely fine using Toast 7.


You are also correct in that the Custom Configuration worked fine, but the messages continue.

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I replaced the internal DVD-RW drive with a Lite-On SHM-165P6S DVD-RW ...


I'm outta ideas! Can anyone else help?


Yes. Get a supported DVD drive. The list is here:

Retrospect supported devices



same problem, yet Toast 7 works fine.


So that you can add data to a backup set, Retrospect uses a different mechanism to write to the DVD than does Toast. That's why some devices are supported and others aren't.



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