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6.1.126 takes waaaaay too long to start on new mac pro dual 2.66

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Well, Retrospect on the Intel Macs is running under Rosetta, and it takes a while for that to get going. When the universal version comes, the launch should be much faster.


There's the possibility that you are thrashing as Rosetta is coming up. How much RAM does your computer have? That's the only possible avenue of attack right now.



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Thanks for the reply. We've got the standard 1GB of RAM, but there was no load on the machine when I tried to open Retrospect. I have always hated the overhead of emulators/shells/whatever other name they choose to go by, even though the endless practical applictions solve many other problems. How long do we have to wait for the universal version, and will that be another paid upgrade? I will be a willing victim. Already three times in the last few weeks Retrospect has been corrupted and rendered unusable without a restart.


Btw, how many Russ's would be on a Retrospect forum late at night in most civilized places? Oakland here.

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Another thing you can try is to restart Rosetta itself. TigerCacheCleaner has a command for this. I'm not sure if it's just killing translated and/or translate, but I've manually killed those two processes with no ill effects (even with PPC apps running at the time).


In truth of fact, 1 Gig is simply not enough to run Rosetta well. The difference I experienced on my little 17" CoreDuo iMac when I went from 1 Gig to 2 was enormous, for Word, inDesign and Retrospect. Retrospect still takes 30" to load, but there's no disk thrashing or pizza wheel.



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I'd still like to know when Retrospect's universal binary will be out and what will be the release plan. Meantime I came in today to see last night's backup trashed again. We get a good backup every other night or so. Retrospect crashes or gets crashed on.

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Already three times in the last few weeks Retrospect has been corrupted and rendered unusable without a restart.




Since you haven't posted here since 2002, now might be a good time to update the Forum as to your hardware/software configuration. Back then you were using File Backup Sets on external FireWire hard drives; what's your current setup?


What do you mean by "rendered unusable?" What happens before you restart? What happens after?



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This thread title describes the hardware, along with the 1GB RAM statement (soon to be 2GB - just ordered it). The method remains almost the same as before: File Backup Sets to FW2 external drives. I have to say that volume dups between an FW2 external drive and and a portable FW1 external drive really scream now.


Rendered unusable: "Retrospect has an inconsistency" and won't open, though it bounces a few times before adding a ? to the dock icon. Restart system and all is back.


Thanks for reminding me that I left tracks a while back.

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The inconsistency crashes did not leave a good trail, since the log was filled up with

"Trouble reading: “FireBack - Wed” (40360549), error 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc.)." The drive was fine on the next use, with no repairs done. This is a one of a couple of brand new Baracudas in OWC premium enclosures.

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This thread title describes the hardware



Which thread? The one we're reading? Other then the model of Macintosh and the amount of memory it has, there has been no description of your backup device. Are "FW2" and "FW1" the model of some brand of FireWire device? Or were you using those terms to describe FireWire 800 and FireWire 400 devices?


"Retrospect has an inconsistency" is not an error dialog program that the program uses, although there are various specific errors that read something like:


Internal consistency check failed:

Assertion check at "elem.c-923


- What is the exact error message you're getting?


As best can be understood, you're reporting that you get some sort of assertion check error, you click OK to quit the program, you then click on the dock icon and the program fails to launch, at which point the dock icon changes from Retrospect to "?". Can I assume (which is never a good way to provide online suggestions, btw) that if you click on the "?" in the dock nothing happens, and Command+Clicking on that icon does not reveal the Retrospect icon in the Finder?


- What happens if you double click on the Retrospect application bundle icon in /Applications/Retrospect/?


Assertion check errors actually log errors to their own dedicated file, although it's doubtful that it will be helpful to anyone other then the developers. But the fact that your Operations Log is full of 206 errors points directly to a hardware problem with the drive, either the HD itself or the FireWire bridge or the connection.


If the Barracuda drives are SATA, I'd suggest putting one of them into the MacPro (it's supposed to be fabulously easy to do) and see if you have the same problem doing backups to it.


The bit about the dock icon is really crazy; more information on that behavior might be something worth knowing about.



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Well, I was going from memory and "Retrospect" and consistency" were the two terms from the message that stuck. I had the impression that it was a system message, never having seen anything like that before. The Retrospect icon stayed but took on a ? overlapping the top of the icon. Yes the decorated icon would not launch its pointee, and if I tried launching the app directly (I do that often after trouble but don't recall whether I did in these cases), that failed also. I don't think the icon lost its identity and command-click surely found the target. I'll be a better observer next time.


The Baracudas are PATA, sorry :-/. FW2 and FW1 were just short for 800 and 400. I guess we need a common glossary. I suppose I could think about buying another Baracuda, SATA this time, to test your suggestion. I'll wait until the device error crops up again, hopefully not tonight.


I should describe myself and being dragged kicking and screaming into MACOS X, because everything I used to like about the Mac interface has been replaced by bizarre behaviors. I stalled as long as possible before capitulating, and now I am here.


Thanks for your persistence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Apple finally shipped the Ram upgrade (1 GB to make 2GB total). BIG difference. Retrospect lauched in 20 sec from icon press to open for business. The pizza wheel showed for a second or two after the directory window came up and before the log window opened. Finally :-)

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