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Best Restore Procedure to use?

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I have a Duplicate of my internal hard drive on an external drive. That duplicate is several weeks old.


I'd like to Restore the User Folder of that Duplicate from my current Backup and have the result be an exact copy of the User Folder at the time of that backup including any empty folders.


I've read the manual section several times and gone through posts here and I'm still not 100% sure of the best procedure.


Some of my specific questions are:

Do I use Restore Entire Disk in first step to get empty folders?

Do I erase the current User Folder on the Duplicate?


Thank you.

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You're mixing your terms, making it impossible to know _exactly_ what you want to do.


When you write: "I'd like to Restore the User Folder of that Duplicate from my current Backup..."


Do you actually mean "I'd like to Restore the User Folder from my current Backup to the same location on the Duplicate volume..."?


If what you want is to bring one folder on the Duplicate more up to date, and you have permission requirements (since /Users/foo/Public/ and /Users/foo/Sites/ have different permissions then /Users/foo/Desktop, etc), then you will indeed need to use Restore Entire Disk.


As to your specific questions:

No; there is nothing you do in an effort to get empty folders.

No; don't erase anything.


Your steps would probably be something along the lines of:


Go to Configure->Volumes and define as a subvolume the folder you want to bring current (it sounds as if it will be "YourBackupHardDrive/Users/" but if it's something different that's your repsonsibility).


Immediate->Restore->Restore an entire disk->Your Correct Backup Set->The Correct Most Current Snapshot

->Restore Entire Disk->Your defined subvolume


Click OK and confirm the next dialog with another OK


At this point, Retrospect will Match the files on the Backup Set to the files already on your Duplicate.


In Files Chosen you will see how many files will be deleted and overwritten, as well as how many new files will be copied (that are new since your last Duplicate).


This process will be much faster then the whole-disk Duplicates you do, since Retrospect can Match against it's Backup Set Catalog, instead of having to read every file on the Source (as well as on the Destination).

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Thanks for the tips.


"Yes" in answer to what you thought I meant. (I'd be quoting but I need a lesson on using UBB reply functions wink.gif )


But I don't follow what you meant about permission requirements. If you have the time......


On my specific questions: the reason I asked was that someone once told me that in order to restore empty folders one needed to use Restore Entire Disk and then use Replace Corresponding Files. Maybe that was if one was restoring to a new location/folder.


Also, your very last sentence. Did not follow that advice. I Duplicate my source (internal hard drive) for a bootable copy. But that will not be as current as my daily backups.


Thanks again.

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Just to clarify... my Backup is a complete backup of the Source volume.


So when I want to restore only the user folder on the Duplicate of the source volume, should I use Restore Entire Disk or Corresponding Files.


Thanks again for the help on this.

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> my Backup is a complete backup of the Source volume.


Since your Snapshot contains all the files in your drive, and you only want to Restore the files in /Users/, you need to select the /Users/ folder from the Select Files Browser before you click on Restore.


Apologies for omitting that step.


If you are going to do this a lot you might want to define /Users/ as a Subvolume, and include that as a Source for your Daily backup. That way you'll have a Snapshot of just /Users/ that you can use for this Backup-to-DuplicateVolume Restore operation.


There might be better ways to do what you want, but my head hurts...



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Thanks. Appreciate all the help.


Did a test.....


Restored the Users Folder on the Duplicate with a Backup that was done at the same time (actually directly before) as the Duplicate.


It worked fine but:


The information given next to Files Chosen after I selected Users in the browser and Marked it said:

13,179 files selected

15,675 will be overwritten


I proceeded and "watched" it erase the User sub-volume before copying


I then did the same thing again to see what would happen. This time next to Files Chosen it said:

13,179 selected

13,188 already copied

21 others will be overwritten


I conclude that for some reason Retrospect did not mark files as identical the first time through when comparing the Backup files to those on the Duplicate but did the second time when the User folder on the Duplicate had been restored from the Backup.


Does that make sense to you?



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  • 3 weeks later...

In the manual for EMC Retrospect it refers to "Restore missing files only" on page 76 but I am unable to find this option.



I am using Retrospect 7.5.324


Where do I find this option.


I have restored Win XP from the Wi XP disk but there appears tp be a repetitive error in my backups so I do not want to alter any of the winXP files.


Plse advise.




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In the manual for EMC Retrospect it refers to "Restore missing files only" on page 76 but I am unable to find this option.


I am using Retrospect 7.5.324


Where do I find this option.


I have restored Win XP from the Wi XP disk but there appears tp be a repetitive error in my backups so I do not want to alter any of the winXP files.


Plse advise.





(1) you have posted in the wrong forum. You appear to be running Retrospect Windows. This is the Macintosh OS X Retrospect forum.


(2) Even if this had been the right forum, you attempted to hijack this thread with unrelated issues.


Go post in the right place and you might get some help.



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