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Xserve's Data volume being unmounted by retrospect!

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Hi Everyone,


I have an Xserve G4 running Mac OS 10.4.7 and Retrospect 6.1.126 with Driver 6.1.6100. Every few weeks a backup will crash and the disk it was backing up will unmount from the server, it will mount again using disk utility even without a reboot.


We are backing up to an AIT-3 Sony Storstation using an Atto SCSI card.


The disk is a software Mirror RAID with 2 x 250GB ADMs, the are no errors on the disk in disk utility and seems to run well.


Retrospect is set to backup a folder on the drive. The folder contains a few sharepoints (which will become unavailiable).


Can anyone offer some suggestions as to what might be going wrong?


Any advice would be welcome.


Many thanks,


David Lee

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