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trouble restoring a file in a . folder

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I'm experiecing trouble when trying to restore a file that was in a folder named .pics

It apears like this on the list, i select it and it is restored on the disk. but when i open the restoration file on my mac, it's empty : the .Pics folder is nowhere to be seen, and it's content is not there either.

does anyone knows how to get this folder back ?


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when i open the restoration file on my mac, it's empty : the .Pics folder is nowhere to be seen, and it's content is not there either.



Actually, it is there.


You just can't see it.


Any file/folder with a name that begins with "." will be invisible. This is standard operation for *nix.


You can ues the Terminal or other OS X utilities to open or rename the folder, or use something such as TinkerTool to have the Finder show all folders/files, even invisible ones.



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