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Problem backing up simple dynamic volume - RP 7.5


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We are evaluating Retrospect Professional 7.5.324, Driver update and hot fix running under Windows XP Professional, SP2.


The disks to be backed up consists of one primary, one logical and four simple dynamic partitions. None of the dynamic partitions are currently in any raid/mirrored configuration, they are all separate.


There is one simple dynamic partition that we can backup separately but not as part of an automated script with the other partitions. The automated script backup is a normal backup to another disk not shown below that has the capacity to hold all the backup data. The order of backup in the script is:


C: primary

D: logical

E: simple dynamic

F: simple dynamic

g: simple dynamic

h: simple dynamic


If we backup E: separately to the same target disk as the automated script, there are no problems. If we backup E: as part of an automated script using the same target disk, we get the following error when it is time to backup E: in the order shown above:


Trouble matching WINDAT2 (E:) to Backup Set A, error -641 (chunk checksum didn't match)


We have verified that the options (including advanced options) for both the separate backup and the automated script are the same. We have done a chkdsk on the E: partition with no problems.


Our suspicion is that there is a file somewhere on the E: partition that is causing the problem. One possible test scenario would be to copy the files off of the E: partition, remove, recreate and reformat the E: partition and copy the files back.


Does anyone have anyother suggestions/ides on what might be the issue? As we stated, when we run the automated script, all the partitions are backed up except for E: which shows the error shown above.


Any help would be appreciated,




M. Busby

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More information. Not only did the E: partition fail, the G: partition failed as well, both with the same failure as originally noted.


We tried the following reordering of the automated script:


E: simple dynamic

g: simple dynamic

F: simple dynamic

h: simple dynamic

C: primary

D: logical


Now, when we rerun the script, E: now passes but G:, F: and C: now fail with the same failure message as before.


It appears that Retrospect cannot handle windows dynamic volumes correctly under any circumstances. I have not found this limitation mentioned in any of the documentation. Is this a correct assumtion? As a sanity check, we installed Acronis 9.0 Workstation and did not have any problem backing up the dynamic volumes in any order from a script.


Is this a known problem? Unfortunately, since this is an evaluation, I cannot contact support.




M. Busby

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