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Search - Find - regular expressions in snapshots


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Some of the same regular expressions used to include or exclude files from a backup and designed into user-created Selectors, can be used to search for backup up files in a Snapshot. However, there are some puzzling results to be found. I use pairs of double quotes to set off the objects of interest in the discussion below.


"(*.*" can be used to locate backed up files beginning with the left parenthesis.

"???????(*.*" can be used to locate backed up files having "(" for the 8th character, followed by anything or nothing, having an extension of any characters or none.


"~gm????(*.*" however cannot be used to find backed up files -- or to prevent such files from being backed up -- starting with "~gm" followed by any four characters, followed by a "(" in the 8th position, followed by any or no characters, .... etc., etc. although it does work properly in the Windows SBS Server 2003 at the operating system "search."


"~gm????(?).*" can be used to find 10-character file names having "(" in the 8th position and ")" in the 10th position, with any or no extension.


Does anyone know why this works this way? Is it a bug (or a feature), or is there some necessity for it working differently in Windows than it does in the Retrospect 7.5 application (current build)?

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