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Disk to Disk to Removable Disk


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I am in the process of setting this up and trying to work out what my options are for achieving this.


Running Windows XP SP2 and Retrospect 7.5, I am trying to:

1. Daily backup 2 PCs to disk on a third PC (basically being used as a backup server).

2. Copy backup to removeable disks (cycle of 3) whcih are then taken offsite weekly (or thereabouts).


I don't have any problems with the initial backup - that works fine.

I have been using Transfer Backup Sets to copy to the removeable disks.

The problem arises that the disks are not going to be taken off site every week necessarily, or even on the same day each week, so I am not sure how to schedule this.


Or even if I'm doing it right in the first place.

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