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OneTouch USB


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Always had on again off again problems with this unit. Tried a backup. Nothing started. Drive was listed ok. Decided to upgrade soft ware to EMC 1.1. Followed procedure Still didn't work.

Maxtor directions said 1.0 must be present. So I uninstalled everything, reformatted the Onetouch NTFS.

Reinstalled 1.0, got the usual Locked Disk. Downloaded the removal tool. Fixed that that problem. Installed Retrospect Express 1.1. It worked! Tried two backups ok, Set it up for auto backup. It didn't run. Opened the Onetouch all the files were there. Starting Retrospect, took very long for it to opened when it did, 0 restore points. Getting very frustated with it. Any ideas or help on this? rolleyes3grem1.gif

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