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exclude wins, dhcp and databases


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I get a lot of errors that wins, dhcp and the ms sql 2000 databases cannot be updated because they are in use.


I read in the manual that dhcp makes automatically copies to a file each hour or so which retrospect can backup, so it's still backuped while I receive an error that the original file is in use. There is a setting in wins that it also makes this file (described in the retrospect manual on page 251 (backing up dhcp server and wins server information).

Which selector can I make that it won't try to backup the dhcp and wins files in use but only the files needed (the backups that wins and dhcp makes)? (I want to be sure that I don't exlude a file which is necessary!)


Same goes for ms sql 2000 server, the retrospect sql plugin backups those but still I get sharing violation errors in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\" directory.



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