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XP Client backup from W2k pro


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I have 3 computers. 2 XP pro and one W2k pro. I have retrospect for workgroups 5.6 installed on the Wk2 computer and client software 5.6.112 installed on the XP computers.


The W2k computer can not find the clients however if I click test and type in the IP or the Netbios name the client is found just fine. I have totally removed all firewall software from W2k computer and thad didn't help.


Here is the strange part. I remove the client software from one of my XP computers and installed the workgroups software and It has no problems finding the other XP computer using retrospec client. Even with all the firewall softwares installed and configured.


When I tried to backup through MS networking and mapping a drive I get an error 1125 exceeds max file size. I'm backing up to a empty 200GB NTFS hard drive. I should not be getting this error.


I would consider upgrading to Retrospect 6.5 pro if I could be certain that it would solve this problem. It makes me very nervios not to have a backup of all my files. Does Retrospect offer a demo version of 6.5 pro?



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I was hoping for some help by now. Maybe my problem is too weird. Anyway here is some more information in case any of the experts are checking this forum.


I installed the client on my W2k computer and used my WinXP computer with Retrospect to see if the w2k client could be found and yes it was. It showed up right away. I then went to the W2k computer and removed every item from the startup folder and the run area in the registry. I did this in local machine as well as current user. I then rebooted the W2k computer and opened retrospect to see if it could now locate the clients on the WinXP computers. Still no luck. I guess if I don't get any help soon my next step is to perform a clean install of W2k and then retrospect and then try it again. If this doesn't work then I don't know what to do.


If anyone is monitoring this message but you don't have any helpful hints I will write back and keep you posted if the clean install works.



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By default, Windows XP's built-in Internet Connection Firewall restricts network access to many networking services including the Retrospect client.


When you install the Retrospect client 5.6 or later on systems with the Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall enabled, the installer automatically makes the required changes to allow Retrospect client communication.


However, if you enable Windows XP's built-in Internet Connection Firewall on a computer already running the Retrospect client, you will need to run a Retrospect utility to enable client communication through the firewall. Run the "retfwset.exe" utility, found in the Retrospect client directory (by default C:\Program Files\Dantz\Client), to allow Retrospect client communication.


Check for other firewalls blocking Retrospect's dedicated port 497. This port needs to be open for TCP/IP and UDP traffic.

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Hi Amy,


I had already checked to see if the XP firewall was activated and it wasn't however I ran the utilitiy anyway with no luck. Correct me if I'm wrong but if my XP computer runing retrospect can access the client software on my W2k computer wouldn't that indicate that port 497 is open? If this assumption is correct then why can't I go the other way. Use Retrospect on my W2k computer to access the client software on my XP computer?



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