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Trouble with Win2000 Profesional & 5.15

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I had a perfectly working setup before I had hardware troubles on two Win2000 Profesional systems. Ultimately, I replaced the motherboards and reinstalled Retrospect Server 5.15 on one and Client 5.15 on the other. Now I cannot get the server to get past 2951 files on the client. It gets to that point just fine, and then times out.


Any idea what is going on? I can't find a cross-over cable, but I tried having just these two systems connected into a switch/hub and it still hung at the same point.


I am backing up another 5.15 client on Windows ME without any trouble. The server itself backs up just fine as well.


I did accidently upgrade the client on the other Win 2000 machine to 5.6 for a while, could that have been my problem?


Does anyone have any ideas?



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I did accidently upgrade the client on the other Win 2000 machine to 5.6 for a while, could that have been my problem?





The 5.15 application is not compatible with the 5.6 client. You'll need to upgrade your application or downgrade your client version.

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