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Opening Retrospect for Windows catalogs on a Mac

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We have an NT 4 server, running Retrospect Workgroup v5.15 for daily backups and for long-term archiving. We have a few Mac (OS 9.2.2) workstations on the LAN. I am wondering if there is a way to browse the catalogs on the NT box to search and retreive files, from the Macs. The Macs have Retrospect 4.2.


I am about to install a DVD burner in the server to burn archives from Retrospect. I have installed DVD readers in the Mac workstations. I need to be able to browse the archive catalog (generated during archiving and residing on the NT box) and, once I've found the files to restore, put the required archive DVD in the local Mac DVD reader and restore those files.


Would upgrading the Mac version to the same version as the NT version allow me to do this?






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