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backup from one machine to another geographically seperated


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I have Retro Workgroup installed here, I would like to backup my friends machine in the netherlands, he is on a cable modem. He installed the client software, but I can not connect to him,is this not possible?


What port would he need to open up for this to happen if it is possible.

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One idea (which I haven't tried even though I have INP) is to use Internet Neighborhood Pro from http://www.knoware.com/index.html ($40). In addition to its intended purpose (allowing you to FTP via a Windows I/F), it will also allow you to map an FTP site as a Windows network drive. So if you can set up an FTP connection (server) at the remote site, you should be able to create a drive letter on the PC and then use Retrospect to backup from (or to) that site.


Note that cable modems are often set up with a fast download but a very slow upload (e.g.1.8M down/256K up for me) so this may be *very* slow. How about buying him his own copy of RP6 for Christmas? :-)

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