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Backup Sets keep disappearing

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I am having a continuing problem with our back-up sets just disappearing or being deleted somehow.


We are doing file back-ups nightly to SNAP server. It will work fine for days and then all of a sudden the backup set and data will just be gone as if it was never there. We also daily back up these files on to tape, so we can usually recreate the backup set from it, but this is incredibly annoying.


Any suggestions? I know that ones time, when I stopped the back up , this made everything disappear also.


A side question...We are running this on Win 2k server and it will sometimes run at night and other times there will just be a blinking icon in the right hand corner. If you click the icon, then Retrospect will start up and whatever backups it missed will start. Why does it not always start? Do you have to have it on all the time? Isn't it running as a service?





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Retrospect does not have the ability to delete catalog files from the hard drive. Getting rid of catalog files is a two-step process: 1) Retrospect must "forget" the catalog file and 2) You must delete the file from the hard drive.


but this is incredibly annoying.


I can imagine - I would feel the same way. The key is to troubleshoot the snap server, and determine why files are being deleted from the hard drive. It's not Retrospect.


A side question...We are running this on Win 2k server and it will sometimes run at night and other times there will just be a blinking icon in the right hand corner. If you click the icon, then Retrospect will start up and whatever backups it missed will start. Why does it not always start? Do you have to have it on all the time? Isn't it running as a service?


There are a few possible causes - low available system memory, another application running may be preventing Retrospect from auto-launching, the service may be having trouble finding the application.


From the Knowledgebase


If Retrospect is no longer autolaunching, first verify that you've got it set to automatically launch. Go to Configure>Preferences from the Navigation bar and click Unattended. Is "Autolaunch Retrospect" and "Enable Retrospect Launcher Service" checked?


Does Retrospect try to run a script right after you start it, but not at the specified time? If not, verify that your script is scheduled correctly. Go to Automate>Preview from the navigation bar. Are there scripts scheduled to run? If there are, is the top one scheduled to run soon (as opposed to months or years in the future)? If it is scheduled to run some time in the future, you may have deferred execution of the script. Change this by editing your script.


If there are no scripts scheduled to run, you need to reschedule your scripts. Go to Automate>Manage Scripts from the Retrospect navigation bar to do this.


If Retrospect tries to run a script right after you launch the program, the service which autolaunches Retrospect, the Launcher, may not be working correctly. Reinstall it by doing the following:


Go to Configure>Preferences and click Unattended. Uncheck "Enable Retrospect Launcher service." Now quit and restart your PC. Launch Retrospect and check "Enable Retrospect Launcher." Now quit and restart again.


Were you logged in as administrator during install? Failure to autolaunch can be a Launcher permissions issue, which would be affected by who you were logged in as when you installed the program or edited the scripts. Try creating a new user account and add that user to the Administrator group. Then uninstalling and reinstalling Retrospect when logged in as the new administrator.


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