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MapError: unknown Windows error 1,317


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Hi There,


A client of mine has come across a problem when running unattended backup. Here are the details.


System: PentiumIV 2GHz

Tape Drive: Sony SDX-420C AIT (ATAPI)

O/S: Windows 2000 Professional

Network Environment: "Peer to peer" Microsoft Network Client using Microsoft's Novell Client to login to Novell Server.


Retrospect Version: 5.6 (Single Server)


Objective: Backup local "Drive C" using Retrospect Scheduler while in "logout mode".


Results so far: The first scheduled backup seems to work without any issues. But the problem seems to be on the next scheduled backup. Here is an extract of the error from the log...



12/02/2003 1:00:12 PM: Copying Drive C (C:)

MapError: Unknown Windows error 1,317

TVol::openAsNtDevice: CreateFile failed, E:\, winerr 1317, error -1001


MapError: Unknown Windows error 1,317

TVol::GetInfo: UGetVolumeInformation failed, E:\, winerr 1317, error -1001




This error seems to repeat itself in the log.


Any ideas?? Any help appreciated. Thanks.






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Error -1001 (unknown Windows OS error)


This error can happen if Retrospect encounters a problem reading a file from the source volume.


Run a complete "Scan Disk" on the source volume to see if any disk problems are detected


This error may also occur on a scripted backup to a network volume if proper permissions are not assigned to allow Retrospect full access to the volume. See the following tutorial for details:





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