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assert.exe failure


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For about a month or so i've been having trouble backing up our files. We're using two HP DLT1 External SCSI storage devices. The backup have worked for a long time until a month ago, then we got error messages 2-4 times a week saying:




Retrospect failure Notification




An internal consistency check failed. Detailed technical information etc etc..




After this retrospect exits and the backup is stopped.




I've read the tech note about this matter, and i've tried different things. Moving the backupsets to a different drive. Recreated the backupset from the tapes, no luck. This didn't help at all. I've created a new backupset and made a new backup on totally new tapes, without luck. I've updated to the latest firmware on the devices, still no luck. I've just finished testing both devices with HP's own tools. No problems detected.




I only got 1 machine to do the backup to, and since this is a live fileserver i can't shut it off or restart on workinghours. Im making double copys of the data to the 2 devices. (security reasons.) Now i think i have tracked down the error to a certain drive on the server. (We're backing up a total of 300gig data on a new backup, so it's not easy to just move the devices to another machine)




The system of the fileserver is NT4 and we're saving both PC and Mac files, and i have a clue that it may be a filenaming problem? Could it be that retrospect can't copy or compare some files with illegal characters? But then i thought, we've had the same environment (mac / pc) for years without problem.. I would really need some assist here, im going nuts about this...




There's alot of stuff written in the assert_log.utx file, but it's not that easy to read and understand that log file.. Here's the latets info from the assert_log.utx:




OS: Windows NT version 4.0 (build 1381), Service Pack 6


Application: C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\Retrospect.exe, version 5.6.132


Exception occurred on 1/3/2003 at 1:59:53 PM


Error info: Assertion failure at "tmonitor.cpp-55"


Exception code: E0000000 ASSERTION


Fault address: 77F1D479 0001:0001C479 KERNEL32.dll






Thread ID: 000000E0, Name: Execution thread




EAX:11C2FC18 CS:001B EIP:77F1D479 EFlags:00000246


EBX:60600000 SS:0023 ESP:11C2FC14 EBP: 11C2FC68




EDX:11C2FCA8 ES:0023 EDI:11C2FCA8 GS: 0000






Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args


=============== ================================= =======================================================================


KERNEL32.dll 0001:0001C479 E06D7363 1 3 11C2FC9C 1 00770D50 E06D7363 1


MSVCRT.dll 0001:00007FA5 0 0 1 00770D50 60600000 60071BD0 11C2FCB8 11C2FA58


bedrock.dll DebugHandler::Throw +53 E0000000 1 1 11C2FD0C 11C2FE0C 60043E60 E0000000 1


bedrock.dll assertLog +1B E0000000 1 11C2FD0C 'essA' 'oitr' 'af n' 'ruli' 'ta e'


bedrock.dll Debug +59 6006F9C4 00000037 77F6406D 0 0 606423C8 11C2FE34 6062D5D1


bedrock.dll TMonitor::~TMonitor +6F 11C2FE5C 6062FE1B 0 6062FEB0 60600000 0 1 00132B40


meson.dll _E12 +E 0 6062FEB0 60600000 0 1 00132B40 7FFDF000 001336A8


meson.dll __CRT_INIT +8B 60600000 1 1 780341A0 C0000005 0 11C2FE98 11C2FE3C


ntdll.dll 0001:00008E0A 780341A0 1 11C2FFA8 0 0 0 0 0


KERNEL32.dll 0001:00018FDB C0000005 0 78009AE2 C0000005 1 0 7800A3FD C0000005


MSVCRT.dll 0001:00008B69 00773CA0 6062D8AF 0 00773CA0 0 11C2FFC4 10757F3C -1


KERNEL32.dll 0001:00003EDE 7800A361 00773CA0 0 13710000 00130050 0 0 00060000






Thread ID: 000000D5, Name: driver_thread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6


Thread ID: 000000CF, Name: driver_thread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6


Thread ID: 000000D6, Name: RetroFrameThread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6


Thread ID: 000000E7, Name: Volume tracker thread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6


Thread ID: 00000056, Name: Controller thread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6


Thread ID: 0000008D, Name: Quit handler thread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6


Thread ID: 000000E3, Name: Server thread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6


Thread ID: 000000EC, Name: Main thread


** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :6




What is wrong here, and what can i do? Thanks in advance!




/ Martin



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The system of the fileserver is NT4 and we're saving both PC and Mac files, and i have a clue that it may be a filenaming problem? Could it be that retrospect can't copy or compare some files with illegal characters?




The general, but not absolute, rule is that if Windows can't copy the file, Retrospect can't either. If you have illegal file names, they can cause problems. However, an assert isn't typically one of them.




As it appears you've been able to isolate the problem to a certain drive, the next step would be to backup individual subvolumes on the drive to see if you can isolate the problem to a particular directory. The following tutorial will walk you through creating Subvolumes. While it is for Windows 6.0 (the user interface has changed) the basic steps are still the same.

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Hi Amy and thanks for your reply.




Since i tracked down the error to a certain drive, i tried to backup that drive 3 times (deleting the backupset, and erasing the tapes just before each backup) 2 times it failed with the assert error, but the third time it worked as it should. Strange?




Sometimes the problem appears during the copying, and sometimes during the comparing, so it can't be problem reading/copying the files?




Yesterday i made a new full backup of all the volumes to a totally new backupset and new tapes, and the same assert error appeared, but now on a different drive. So now im not so sure that the other drive is the problem.




I haven't got a clue what to do?




Thanks in advance




/ Martin

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Try a backup of this machine to a file set on your hard drive, assuming you have the spare capacity.




Create a new backup set, storage type = File and save it to an NTFS formatted drive with enough capacity to backup the volumes. Run a few test backups to see if the problem goes away when the tape drive is left out of the equation.




I just read your original post where you indicated that you're backing up 300 gig... so hard drive space probably isn't an option. However, you indicated this has happened on two volumes - is one of them small enough to backup to a file set?

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Finally i managed to make a full backup on new medias, but it took my almost 2 weeks because of all assert.exe errors. Other errors appeared during the backup, the machine rebooted by itself 3 times ??




Now the backupset is doing incremental copy (as it should) and i thought the problem would go away, but it didn't.. This morning the same assert.exe dialog window was on the screen, in the operationslog it quitted just after scanning a drive with the following log:




- 1/13/2003 1:53:20 AM: Copying R2 (J:)


1/13/2003 1:53:20 AM: No files need to be copied




Here was the interruption...




+ Retrospect version 5.6.132


Launched at 1/13/2003 6:48 AM


+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 3.1.103




As i said before i thought i had localized the problem to certain drives or volumes, but when i see this happen on other drives, i realize that i was wrong.




I do need some help here, i don't have a clue what's going on...





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