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Write protected tape?


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Im using Retrospect 5.x Server version on a NT4 Server machine.




I have 2 DLT1 storage devices. I have a small problem though. Im about to re-use old tapes for a new backupset, but in the device window it says that the tape is writeprotected, but it's not.. I've checked the tape, and that lite plastic thing is not set to writeprotected. Is it writeprotected in Retrospect in any way?




I've removed the old backupset so that shouldn't be the problem.




Thanks in advance!




/ Martin

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Make sure you have deleted the backup sets associated with these tapes in Configure > Backup Sets.




The drive itself determines whether or not a tape is write-protected and reports that information back to the program. Does this happen on all tapes or only specific tapes? If it only happens on specific tapes, they may be damaged.





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I think i've solved this issue. All related backupsets etc. is removed, but we have recently removed a HP DLT4000 and replaced with a DLT1. The old tapes are formatted with the DLT4000 and cannot be erased or written by the DLT1.




Thanks anyway for the help




/ Martin

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