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Schedule dates are off??


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I have 7 backup sets running. One each day.


Example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc....




I have noticed that the dates on the backup sets changed and are now off by a month. Now it wants to run the backup set a month later instead of now. I have check the time on the computer and its set correctly. Anyone know why this would be happening?




Second- Is there a way to fix it without going into each backup set?

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I have noticed that the dates on the backup sets changed and are now off by a month.




Which dates are you referring to specifically? Where do you see the incorrect dates?




Do you mean the start dates on the script? If so, you can go to Automate > Scripts and edit your scripts. Change the start date in the schedule.





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I have one script running called 7-day Backup. I have it setup so that there are 7 backup sets. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc...) Each day the correct backup set would run. If its Monday, the Mondays backup set will launch at 10PM and begain to backup. The backups have been running daily successfully for a few months. Now I have noticed that the next schedule backup is to be run on 1/23/03 then daily after that, instead of 12/23/02 and so on.

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If the computer date was changed incorrectly (changed to the future), Retrospect will automatically adjust schedule dates forward. However, if the date was changed back to the correct date, Retrospect will not adjust schedule dates backwards.




You can edit your scripts/schedules and change the start dates to the correct date. Once done, you should not see this issue again.

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