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Come On!!


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This is ridiculous, I have a problem with your software working, I post it to the web site, nobody really looks at it and when I call to get some help I am told it will cost me $69.95. So now I have a server down with no way to restore it, because I was using your software to back it up. Thanks Dantz, I will be looking elsewhere for a solution.




A very disgusted former user,


Jeff Shumaker




P.S. This is twice you have burned me, the other was with the whole OSX backup.

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I'm sorry you're having trouble with the software. Please remember that the forum is not an official means of contacting Dantz Technical Support. We do heavily monitor this forum, however, and respond to the majority of posts when possible. If you need immediate assistance for issues, the best route is to go directly through Technical Support or use the Knowledgebase online for answers.




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I post it to the web site, nobody really looks at it


According to your forum posts, you asked a question yesterday and received a response today. That's pretty typical turn around time for the forum.

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