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forgotten passwords


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I'm running retrospect 5.6 for workgroups on NT and have had a reoccurring problem with it. It will frequently forget all the passwords it needs. I check the scripts every day to make sure that it still has them, but on occasion it will forget every password it needed to run that day's script. This occurs some time between when I check the script and when it actually runs. There's no pattern to how often this occurs or what days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I check the scripts every day to make sure that it still has them, but on occasion it will forget every password it needed to run that day's script




What error messages are you gettting? I'm unclear as to exactly which passwords, and what happens when they are "forgotten." Please provide details.

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For each client that retrospect is backing up I enter an administrative user name and password in the script so that retrospect has the necessary permissions to access the files on the client machine. I get an insufficient permissions error when it forgets them and then I have to re-enter all the passwords for the next time I run the script.

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For each client that retrospect is backing up I enter an administrative user name and password in the script so that retrospect has the necessary permissions to access the files on the client machine.




Client passwords are entered when you initially log in the client - not within the script. Are you backing up the machines via Windows Networking rather then the client? If you go to Configure > Volumes, do you see these machines listed under My Computer or under Backup Clients? Network machines should be running the client software and logged in for proper backup under Configure > Clients. Logging in these machines as clients will prevent any permissions issues you are experiencing.




For complete information on using Retrospect Clients, see Chapter 6 in your User's Guide.

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