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slow backup/ lockup


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I am backing up over my office network (4 computers peer to peer), which all share an internet connection throught the hub. The backup is extremely slow, (15 mgbts/min.) so I tried disconnecting the internet and it was much faster (140 mgbts/min). Is there a way to handle this without physically disconnecting the internet connection each night?




Also, I am backing up to a firewire hard drive. First scripts were run successfully. But now, whenever I pull up Retrospect, it automatically goes into some backup mode and accesses the hard drive and freezes. The hard drive is being accessed but the program is frozen. XP operating system. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Is there a way to handle this without physically disconnecting the internet connection each night?

By physically, do you mean you're unplugging something or disconnecting the software connection? If your backup and your internet connection are sharing the same bandwidth, you may need to disconnect to do the backup for faster speeds. The pipe is only so big...




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The hard drive is being accessed but the program is frozen. XP operating system.


Windows XP has a "System Restore" feature turned on by default. To increase backup stability try turn off "System Restore" from System Properties for "all drives" by going to: Control Panels > System > System Restore.



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