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deselecting files for backup purposes


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Over the past 10 days, I have been trying unsuccessfully to eliminate the copying of certain files that are raising errors in my log. The errors are fairly common and include error 1020 - (sharing violation), and error 1111 - locked range conflict. My simple solution to this is to simply not copy these files. These files are generally system files that don't need copying as well as other program files that are also open. I know Retrospect cannot backup an open file so I have tried modifying the "selecting" section in the scripts. Currently I've marked




Include everything




but always exclude files matching




Windows "folder" path matches pattern c:\Program Files\FileMaker\Filemaker Server 5.5\Current


or matching


Windows "file" path matches pattern c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\*.*


or matching


Windows "folder" path matches pattern c:\winnt




* Note: By "folder" or "file" in the above script, I've simply mean the icons I've selected.




When I test this selector and select the appropriate volume, the result shows a checkmark beside all the files OTHER than the files or folders I selected for exclusion. Beside these files is an open box. This indicates to me that the files will NOT be backed up. However, when the script actually runs in the evening, I continue to get the same errors. The software continues to attempt to back these files up. WHY??? What must I do to eliminate this problem. I want to do it by eliminating these files from the backup process.




I have verified that the correct backup script has been modified (in fact I've modified them all now). I have tried modifing the Universal Name condition to absolutely no satisfaction (there it won't even identify the files I have tried to eliminate). This problem is occuring on the backup server and not on a client.




I'm using Retrospect 5.5 Server with 6 clients and a Windows 2000 OS.




The paths are correct, there are no typos, etc. What am I doing wrong! Please someone help me before I throw this thing out.

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I'm unable to reproduce this on my system with open files. Setting the selector to exclude my open .pst file (for example) properly excludes it. Are you checking this selector against all the volumes you are trying to backup? Are the errors on your local machine or client machines?




Make sure that you are 'saving' the selector that you create so that it can be used across multiple scripts without having to recreate it each time.

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Thx for your response Amy.




To answer your questions, I don't need to save the open files (although being able to would be nice - I thought Retrospect 5.5 didn't allow for the saving of open files??). I am simply trying to exclude them from the backup process so that I can eliminate the errors I am currently receiving. I've checked the selector against the volume it was written for, the local machine (specifically the server). This is where the errors are originating. When I run the "Check Selector" it properly identifies the files I am trying to omit. When the backup actually runs in the evening, it continues to try to back those files up. I am not having trouble with the clients (or not that I have noticed). The clients appear to be omitting the files I've identified.

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I don't need to save the open files (although being able to would be nice - I thought Retrospect 5.5 didn't allow for the saving of open files??). I am simply trying to exclude them from the backup process so that I can eliminate the errors I am currently receiving.


Sorry, I wasn't clear. In my testing, I set up Retrospect to backup a folder containing a file that was open and in use (eg: my .pst file), which produced an error -1111 (locked range conflict). This file _cannot_ be backed up while it is open. I then created a selector to exclude it from my backup. When I ran the backup, the file was excluded and the error did not occur. Hence, the selector worked correctly to exclude files that I knew would have errors.




Selectors are tricky to troubleshoot. However, properly configured, they are flawless. Here's a quick way to make _exactly_ the selector you want, without using Boolean logic.


Go to Configure > Volumes and browse the local volume. Mark the folders/files you want to exclude. Click the Save Highlights button in the toolbar (Ctrl-S), click OK, and give the selector a name. You can now use this selector in any script. It will be available in the drop-down list of selectors, listed among the pre-made selectors provided by Dantz.





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Once again thanks for your suggestion in creating my own custom Selector.




I did exactly as you indicated in creating my own selector. I then removed the other selectors from the backup and added this new custom selector. Again, running a check on the selector showed that the files would be omitted (just like the others). Upon running the backup at the end of the evening, the same errors continued to appear.




I'm adding a snippit of the transaction log for your referance...I'm beginning to think that there has to be something more to this then simply choosing the selectors.




Following is a small part of the transaction log...






+ Recycle backup using Friday D at 10/18/2002 9:00 PM


To backup set Friday D...


* Resolved container My Computer container to 2 volumes:


Drive C (C:)


Drive D (D:)


10/18/2002 9:00:10 PM: Recycle backup: The backup set was reset




- 10/18/2002 9:00:10 PM: Copying Drive C (C:)


Can't back up Certificate Services when it is not started


File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr0.dat": can't read security information, error -1020 (sharing violation)


File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr1.dat": can't read security information, error -1020 (sharing violation)


File "C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server 5.5\Current\Menu.fp5": can't read security information, error -1111 (locked range conflict)


File "C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server 5.5\Current\Patients.fp5": can't read security information, error -1111 (locked range conflict)


File "C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server 5.5\Current\RaticalBase.fp5":






The transaction log continues on with essentially the same errors. Could the certificate services have anything to do with this issue??? This is the first error that always shows. I don't believe it should anything to do with anything but I'm at a loss.




For clarification, the files selected are on the local C drive.





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can't read security information, error -1020 (sharing violation)




This is actually different then error -1020 (sharing violation). The error you are getting indicates that the file _permissions_ can't be read, not the files themselves. Your files are not getting backed up.




Permissions are backed up all or none. If you want NTFS permissions backed up, you will continue to see these errors. The only way around it is to turn off permissions in your backup options.



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Making the above changes appears to have finally corrected the initial issues addressed in the first post. Thankyou! I still fail to understand why using the "selectors" feature failed to eliminate those files from the backup process.





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Your files _are not_ getting backed up. The error occurs when trying to read the permissions of the files.




Selectors can exclude files - but not the permissions of the files. You either have to backup all permissions or none. There is no exclusion.

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