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Remote drive not accessible


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Why do some volumes not show up on remote clients? We have a Win2K Server running Retrospect Server V5.6 and 5 others running Retrospect Client. One of the clients is our file server (a nice thing to back up). Only one of the 2 drives on the file server appears in Retrospect as a volume which can be backed up. The drive (volume) which does not appear is a 28gb Raid array. I manually created a volume in Retrospect using the drive share: \\servername\d$




The problem is, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. When it fails, we get:


Can't access volume d on "servername", error -1017 (insufficient permissions)




The service account running Retrospect is a Domain Admin, and the server Retrospect is on has no problem seeing the network administrative share. There is nothing to indicate that there is a legitimate security problem.




Ideally, I would like the remote client method to work correctly. As a fallback, why are we getting permission problems although the server seems to be able to see the remote drive just fine? Is there another way to do this? Thanks!




Jeff Pines



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If you are using the client software and cannot see all locally attached volumes on the client, uninstall the client, reboot, log in as Administrator and install a clean copy of the Retrospect client. 'Forget' the client on the backup computer (Configure > Clients) and click Add to add the newly installed client.




This will also allow you to get past the permissions errors you are seeing when backing up volumes via Windows Networking.

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I uninstalled using Add/Remove programs, re-booted, then re-installed. I forgot and re-added the client from the Backup Server. When I went to look at "Volumes" on the Client, only the C drive was listed. Still no D drive. It exists - why can't Retrospect see it?




I was logged in as the Domain Admin for both the uninstall and re-install.




What else can I try? Thanks!




Jeff Pines

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