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100% CPU Utilization


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I am running Retrospect Server, v5.15 on a Windows NT 4.0 box, SP6a. Every few weeks the CPU utlization on the server running Retrospect reaches 100% due to the restrospect.exe process.




McCaffee v4.5 is running on the same file server. I point this out because I have seen a posting relating to similar symptoms with Restrospect 5.6/NAV2000.




Anyone had this problem? If a conflict with the Virus Protection Software is the problem, can this be resolved without disabling the Virus Scan auto-protect feature?





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Retrospect is a very system-intensive program. Running virus scans during a backup can cause high utilization on the CPU.




There are no known conflicts with McAfee and Retrospect, nor are there any settings that can be changed, that we are aware of.

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