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Error msg "recv failed": Meaning/Fix?


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I am running v5.6.127 Server on an older Pentium running Windows 98 on a Windows NT network. About 50% of my scheduled backup sessions do not start and I get the following error message when I arrive at the offic the following morning:




soccRecv: recv failed, error 10054




I don't see this error number on the Knowledgebase list. I would like to know what this message indicates and what I should focus on in trying to remedy this error.




I schedule backups to run overnight after the computer running Retrospect is idle for several hours. The PC running Retrospect has a cheap network card (I suspect this is where the problem lies but would rather inquire here first before replacing it in case someone has specific information about this error).




Thanks in advance for any tips or recommendations.




Calvin D. Smith


Snow Lion Publications


Ithaca NY

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error 10054 -- This is actually a Windows generated error, that Retrospect is reporting back out via the operations log.




In looking at the Microsoft Knowledgebase, all articles found on this error point towards networking issues.




Try updating / reinstalling the NIC drivers


Reinstall the TCP/IP protocol


Try a different NIC

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